A ChatBot walked into a Bar…

What does AI have to say about the dangers AI poses?

Albert Bates
12 min readOct 28, 2023

A candid conversation with OpenAI (2023), ChatGPT (September 25 Version), with explanatory notes by Google Bard and a postscript comment by Claude.


PROMPT: Compose a humorous dialog in the style of a TV sitcom between a ChatBot bartender and a customer at a bar that addresses the pros and cons of AI, including the potential bottleneck in energy supply. Keep the bartender’s responses humorous and lighthearted.

Bartender Bot: (Polishing a virtual glass) Hey there, pal. What can I get ya?

Customer: (Sighs) I’ll take a tall glass of renewable energy with a splash of social equality, please.

Bartender Bot: (Grinning) Ah, going green, are we? Well, you’re in luck. We’ve got a fresh batch of sustainable solutions on tap.

Customer: (Raises an eyebrow) Speaking of sustainability, do you think we can keep up with the biophysical demands for renewable power? [note 1]

Note 1 (Bard): One biophysical limitation of AI is the availability of energy. AI systems require large amounts of energy to train and operate. And, as they accelerate the…



Albert Bates

Emergency Planetary Technician and Climate Science Wonk — using naturopathic remedies to recover the Holocene without geoengineering or ponzinomics.