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Rewriting History with Artificial Intelligence
A.I. will write its own
Daniel Schmachtenberger: …Moore’s law, right? It historically, kind of ate the world. And that was a progressive doubling of computing power every couple of years. And just the hardware on GPU-based AI will 10X in the next six months. You know? The power will 10X in six months, not 2X in two years, right? And then in six months, it will do it again in less time than that. And the software and the parameters and the data are also an exponential function.
Nate Hagens: 100X in less than a year? Probably. Something like that.
Schmachtenberger: And if you look at, I think it’s a million X increase in the last 10 years.
Schmachtenberger and Hagens are about to reprise a number of the themes I explored in Retropopulationism and extend them. Any of my readers with 3 hours to spare, I’d urge you to spend that watching their full Great Simplification…