Roasting Marshmallows as Rowling Burns

Was Hermione a Gender Tesla?

Albert Bates


A year or so ago a popular Christian radio host complained to Christianity Today that he could not even mention Harry Potter anymore — “it brings out crazy.”

Ah, for those innocent days of youth! I could never have imagined what would happen when the whole country turned into a call-in talk radio show.

He was referring to the witchhunt of JK Rowling, now four years in torchlight. Even those who have never read the Hogwarts fantasies may know that Rowling, a “broke, abused, and depressed single mother — writing in longhand at cafes across Edinburgh while her baby girl slept in a stroller beside her” spun children’s stories that made her a millionairess. But then it became un-woke to feminize the noun, millionaire.

The Harry Potter book series scrawled on those notepads in Edinburgh sold over 500 million copies worldwide, generating approximately $7.7 billion in gross revenue. The merchandise associated with the franchise, including toys, board games, and name use, has companies like Lego and Hasbro banking tens of billions in sales. Rowling’s earnings from endorsements, combined with her royalties from book sales, film rights and translations, have swelled her net worth to around $650 million. At her Harvard Commencement speech in 2008, her wealth was…



Albert Bates

Emergency Planetary Technician and Climate Science Wonk — using naturopathic remedies to recover the Holocene without geoengineering or ponzinomics.